Our “Why”
Build Healthy, Independent, Autonomous Lives
Nurture healthy, independent, and autonomous lives by helping individuals achieve their greatest potential, demonstrating they can and should be active and productive members of our society.
Expand Employment & Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Broaden young adults’ workforce readiness and development opportunities through strategic partnerships and initiatives. Identify and create job and business creation opportunities inside and outside the foundation.
Support a Smooth Life Transition
Create a smooth transition for neurodiverse students and young adults from school life to adulthood and work-life—support not only for the individual but the whole family as well.
Check Out Our Latest Programs & News
The Rising Start Inclusive Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program Launches March 1, 2025
Watch Your Child Thrive With Our Innovative Academic, Life & Social Skills Training, Music and Career/ Workforce Readiness Programs
Our Model
Core Programs
A Pathway & Bridge From School Life To Adulthood
Is your traditional public or private middle/high school or post secondary experience not working for your neurodivergent/autistic student, young adult and/or your family? Our three Core Programs are designed to provide an “integrated pipeline” for students starting out in middle school all the way through to adulthood preparing them with the academic, workforce readiness, and life and social skills training to successfully navigate the world of rewarding work and fulfilling personal relationships
Customized Studies Curricula
Balance - Highly Individualized Instruction + Social Engagement
Neurodiversity means exactly that - diverse learning needs. To effectively meet those diverse needs TRS uses a custom, proprietary curriculum designed by our Founder Maria Alejandra Mejia, together with our “Leveled Pod” configuration to deliver an optimal balance of individualized content and pacing for each student while encouraging group and teamwork exercises to enhance learning. Each student is working at their own academic level and pace guided by our teaching team and therapists moving among our “Leveled Pods” as their individual needs require.