As a non-profit organization we finance and support our work and team through strategic partnerships and generous sponsors and volunteers. To become part of our mission you can either donate money, time, knowledge, and even experiences!

Become A Part Of The Rising Start!


    Through your time and willingness to be part of the change, you can help us from some basic tasks to very special projects.


    Let's work together, we know you have something we can use to achieve our goals, while you give a purpose to your day-to-day operation.


    We value all the donations, and are grateful for each penny our supporters invest in our cause



    Your support is vital for our day-to-day operation. We rely on your support to reach new heights, open new doors, increase our assets, and improve as Foundation overall. Thank you for being here!


    Your investment can change the life of many neurodiverse young adults! If you believe in a more inclusive and diverse community, join us and invest in developing and training future talents, it can be in different forms: job placement, scholarship opportunities, funding vocational workshops, business units, and/or other ludic activities


    In order to support our community, increase neurodiversity awareness and opportunities we have a calendar of events that includes public lectures, social activities, support groups, and all type of initiatives. Make sure to check our events calendar!